Why I Love ‘Doom’.
The game and not what this world is going to be.
I haven’t always been a ‘Doom’ fan. For the longest time, it was one of those famous game series that I’ve heard of, but never played. It wasn’t until I played 2016’s ‘Doom’ that I decided that I was hooked, or meat hooked depending on how you see it.
I’m going to try and keep this short and to the point as I could ramble on about this series. To put it bluntly, the ‘Doom’ games are the ultimate power fantasy that also makes you think a little.
The Doom Guy, or Doom Slayer, is set up to be this unstoppable force of dimensional destruction that makes even the lowest pits of Hell quiver in fear. Imagine playing a survival horror game from the perspective of the monster. Do that and you’ll understand how it feels to be the Doom Slayer.
The combat is fast, intense, and able to make your heart beat faster than taking a look at the housing market. Aside from the third mainline entry, you’ll be skating across a rink of blood and demon guts with grace and guns.
There are also points where these games will have you think about how you want to take on the next horde of demons. Of course, you always have the option of going in guns blazing like a middle-aged man in Las Vegas during a mid-life crisis.
Nonetheless, these games can stimulate and help refine your problem-solving skills by having you ask yourself which enemy to go after first and what weapon to use when. There’s a math to it, I mean, if math was created by an action hero from the 90s.
I also think that the ‘Doom’ game can act as something of a smash room. You know, those rooms that are filled with various objects you can break and hit to release some stress. The same effect can be gained here, just with more gore.
The ‘Doom’ series can not only stimulate your brain by allowing you to think strategically with demon encounters but they can also act as a stress reliever for when life gets tough.
Oh, and the super shotgun is wicked. 10 out of 10 games.